About the Artist

I am an artist who wants to inspire others to see and feel that God is all around us.

Who knew how much life would change from 2020 to now!

In retrospect, it was clear that God’s hand was preparing me for transitions that would occur. One transition was the change in employment status. Eighteen months prior to the employment transition there was a sense that my path in life was going to change. There was a renewal in my mind and heart that made me want to make more of a difference for eternity. God began placing in my path very clear opportunities for making a difference.  Many opportunities occurred in the workplace…until my career unexpectedly came to a screeching halt in mid-October 2020 due to Covid-related downsizing.

It was concerning, but not frightening. It started a season of life that I came to refer to as the I-Don’t-Know,-But-God-Does stage of life.

Two months prior to the end of 20 wonderful years with that employer, my sister had a birthday. Due to Covid restrictions the celebration options were limited. Ultimately, it was decided that we’d improvise and have a home-version of the type of group acrylic painting parties that have become a popular entertainment option. A 15-minurte acrylic painting YouTube video queued up, craft store canvases, 4 tubes of acrylic paints, some brushes, and off six friends started on a fun-filled evening. It was an evening that I never imagined would uncover a hidden talent for painting and lead to the path of Inspired Artistry by Carol. By the way, that paint-a-scene-in-15-minutes video took the six of us more like 90 minutes!

Remember that I-Don’t-Know,-But-God-Does stage that I referenced?

Almost immediately, God placed a desire in my heart for painting. Colossians 3:17 tells us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.”

I took that verse literally and spent many of my non-working hours practicing painting and studying all aspects of acrylic painting.  It’s a good thing that I was wired to love learning because there was (and always will be) much to learn about this creative process – brands and types of paints, best practices in using and caring for brushes, and different types of easels. One surprising thing I learned was about palettes – they come in so many shapes, sizes, and materials.  Who knew?

In the middle of this learning phase the economic realities of the pandemic hit, leaving me a casualty of sweeping layoffs throughout the organization from which I’d planned to retire in 2025. This drastically altered my strategy for retirement. But God’s ways are so much better than our ways. God’s plan never disappoints. By the end of the year, I sold my first painting and could official consider myself a novice professional artist.

So, here I am painting for the Lord.  Some paintings were inspired by beauty that is seen in God’s creation. Other paintings were inspired by impressions of how real God is in my life, creating beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3).  The Stories About the Paintings area of this site includes the stories that inspired these paintings. 

I pray that God will use this talent to speak to your heart, to help you see and feel that He is all around you. The God who created the universe knows your name, He loves you, and He wants the very best for you.

In His Service,
